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Chapter 11

Saturday, April 2, 2011
Anya awoke with a start as the ship rolled to starboard. She looked around her,confused for a moment. Then the events of the previous night settled with a gloom that cast itself all around the room. She turned to face Alexander,who was sleeping peacefully beside her. After last night, she felt that the mysterious stranger she met was someone she had fallen for. But the closer she got, the more distant and murky he seemed to be.

She trusted him,but there were things he was not telling her. Like the fact that he seemed to know Heca was the old lady haunting her dreams. And what was it that Heca had mentioned,something about Alexander's blade being unable to hurt Heca because the blade had already pierced her once? Something mysterious was going on here and she, Anya Johnson would get to the bottom of this mystery.

She watched Alexander stir. "Does your hand still hurt?" she asked,fearful that her methods of treating him had left him permanently injured. "No dearest, it's much better. But I fear I won't be able to wield a sword as skillfully for awhile" replied Alexander. " Well it's settled then, I shall protect you and guard your virtue." teased Anya. Alexander smiled at this. He knew they had to get out before the ship was too far out, else it would be too late to attempt to sail back.

He peered out the porthole and to his dismay,saw that they were surrounded by water. Indeed,it was too late and there was no way out. He groaned and Anya heard him. "Whats the matter,Alexander?" she asked. "We're too far out to be able to attempt an escape and get ourselves a rowboat home." he replied.

Just then,they was a sharp knock on the door. "Wake up you lazy pigs! Time to come up on deck and say goodbye to your homes and freedom!" cried the slaver with a chorus of laughter behind him. Alexander took Anya his arms. "Whatever happens from here forth, I will not let them harm us or separate us. I pledge myself to you,Anya dearest" said Alexander as he drew her close. "And I to you" whispered Anya in reply. As the key turned in the lock,both turned to face the door, ready for whatever that would walk through it.

I'll write a story.,
9:49 AM

Chapter 10

Saturday, May 2, 2009
'Well Alexander, your grandfather was a brave man. And you should be proud of him. So this is what it's all about? That Heca is the lady in the story and she wanted your grandfather dead? But he already passed on,so what does it have to do with you?' asked Anya,puzzled.

As Alexander was about to answer,Anya felt strong arms grab her from behind. She let out a muffled scream as she was dragged off her feet.She struggled and tried to kick her captor.'Now young lady,stop struggling' said a coarse voice behind her as the grip around her neck tightened. Gasping for air,Anya stopped moving,and the grip relaxed.'There we go,now you don't have to worry about anything,or I'll give you something to worry about.' said the voice again. Anya nodded,defeated.

From behind she heard what sounded like a hard hit on something metallic,then a shout of pain. 'Stupid lad,I'm wearing armor!' chuckled the pirate as he tightened his grip on Anya. 'Now be off'. Alexander raised his blade and brought it down on the pirate's head.

Out of nowhere,another blade appeared and deflected Alexander's blade. Anya heard a gasp of pain and a loud crunching sound. 'Those were your fingers boy,now back off if you know what's good for you' growled the second pirate menacingly. 'No let her go!' cried Alexander as he raised his other hand. The pirate grabbed it and twisted it into an arm lock.

'Since you're so eager to follow her,then lets go' Motioning to the other pirate, Alexander and Anya were marched down to the docks,where two sacks were thrown over them. Anya felt her heart beat painfully against her chest.

'Here you go! Pardon us if we could not get better accommodations for you!' laughed the pirate along with the others as he unceremoniously dumped Anya and Alexander into the cargo hold. There was a silence as the ship creaked and moved with the tide.

Anya rolled over to Alexander,who was in pain. 'Here let me try something' said Anya as she held his fingers gently. With a snap and a shout of pain from Alexander,she twisted the fingers back into position. 'Never knew you had so much strength in those arms.' Alexander said weakly.'Always the cause of surprise' said Anya as she stroked his hair.

'Hey! Don't you be doing anything now! We want the girl's virtue intact!' shouted the guard outside as he banged the door loudly.

Anya lay on Alexander's chest and sighed. 'Well not exactly what I had in mind for our first date' whispered Alexander as he held her close. Anya smiled 'Who are these pirates? What do they want with us?' she asked. 'Slavers. They intend..to take care of us permanently' said Alexander and Anya shuddered. Alexander held her tighter. 'Don't worry I'll die before I let them touch you' he whispered fiercely.

'I believe you. But don't die for me. Because I need to live my life with you' said Anya as she grazed into Alexander's eyes. That was the last thing she saw before falling asleep.

I'll write a story.,
6:39 PM

Chapter 9

Thursday, April 23, 2009
'You could say that its a legend on this island. Two centuries ago, my great grandfather Admiral Tempest sailed into a terrible storm. Despite being a sailor of great skill, he and his men ended up shipwrecked on this island. He and his men knew they had to wait the storm out,so they decided to head further inland to search for shelter and help.

As they searched the island, they discovered it was an haven for murderers,thieves and slavers alike. My grandfather and his men wiped them out and established a town. One night,as my grandfather looked out to sea,he saw a cloacked lady standing on the beach. Curiosity overtook him and he went to speak to her.

As he approached him, she turned and screamed at him 'Peasant! You robbed me of my island! Well i'll rob you of your life!', screamed the lady as she drew a dagger and plunged it into my grandfather's heart. 'This island will sink, and you and your men shall die with it!' crackled the lady as she left my grandfather dying on the beach.

As my grandfather was gasping his last breaths, a beautiful lady dressed in white appeared before him. 'Lord, if it is your wish, I may restore you to life.' said the lady as she grazed upon my grandfather's dying visage. 'Nay fair goddess, let this island remain as a becon, a sentinel to the wild seas. And let no harm come to its inhabitants' whispered my grandfather as he breathed his last.

'Very well Lord, I will do as you have chosen' said the lady,as she took my grandfather's spirit and led it into a candle.

Alexander stopped speaking, and grazed at Anya,who gently urged him on.

'Your spirit will be the foundation of this island,as I decree. And as you remain on this island, so will your desire hold through time' proclaimed the lady as she brought the candle to the foundations of the lighthouse. And it rests there, to this day.

Alexander stopped and grazed at Anya with anguish and pain in his eyes.

I'll write a story.,
6:19 AM

Chapter 8

As they walked back to the inn, Anya's feet seemed to be floating a few inches above the ground,her mind faraway in the clouds. She grasped Alexander's hand in hers tightly,and his answering smile made her smile even more.

As they strolled past a shallow pool, Anya felt a chill that made her gasp in shock and fear. In an instant, Alexander turned her to face him and shook her shoulders. 'Anya my love,whats the matter?' he asked anxiously. 'I saw..I saw..' stammered Anya in fear as she griped Alexander's arms tightly. 'What did you see?' asked Alexander gently. 'I saw her face in that pool. That old women from my dream'

Alexander drew his blade and pushed Anya behind him. He cried out 'Where are you Heca? Let us settle this matter now!' he bellowed into the night. 'I didn't know you missed me so much my boy' whispered the old lady from behind Alexander. Anya screamed and Alexander turned to face her,blade pointing in her face and keeping Anya behind him.

'So does she know,boy?' spat Heca,as she smiled evilly. 'No! And it would be best if you stayed away from her you hear!' said Alexander,thrusting his blade into her. But at the last second,she vanished and Alexander's blade passed through mist. 'Oh but you know you cant kill me with that blade. After all you already spilled my blood once with that blade.' Heca said reappearing unhurt.

Despite her fear,natural curiosity overcame Anya and she asked 'What is it that I should be told?' Alexander cut in,'Don't you dare say a word to her! She's an innocent,this fight is between you and me!' 'Oh I have no fear about that. You will both be mine,sooner than you think' crackled Heca as she dissolved into mist.

Holding his blade in one hand, Alexander grabbed Anya's arm with his other hand and dragged her into the night. 'Let go Alexander,you're hurting me!' cried Anya as Alexander's nails dug into her flesh. Alexander paid no attention to her. 'Please Alexander calm down,no one is going to hurt us except you!' cried Anya. At these words,Alexander stopped and released Anya's arm,breathing heavily.

As she gently raised his chin and grazed into his eyes,she was shocked to see tears streaming down. Alexander had a blank vacant look, and something was stirring in the depths of his eyes,as if a monster had been released from its prison. 'Alexander?' whispered Anya softly. For a moment that blank look remained,then recognition returned.

'Oh Anya, I swore I would not let her hurt you. I swore I would not let her touch a single hair on your head. But she came so close tonight. And I was so afraid of losing you...' murmured Alexander as he embraced her. His sobs filled her ears,and she held him tighter.

'Alexander, I know you wish to protect me, but i need to know the truth. What does she want from me?' asked Anya as gently as possible,stroking Alexander's grief-stricken face.

Alexander seemed to hesitate,then pulled himself together. 'Very well. For your sake. The truth.'

I'll write a story.,
5:47 AM

Chapter 7

Thursday, April 9, 2009
Anya couldn't remember when she had more fun in her life before she met Alexander. He seemed to be a ball of excitement and laughter,dragging her from one stall to the next like a little boy lost in his own world.

'Well Mr Tempest,whats the occasion? You seem to be grinning from ear to ear today' teased Anya. 'I'm having a great time in the company of the most beautiful girl I've known,so what else could I ask for? replied Alexander with a huge smile,holding Anya's hand tightly. As they passed by a stall, Anya saw this beautiful ship,encased in a glass bottle.

'Oh isn't that beautiful!' cried Anya,pointing to it. 'You want it? May I?' Before Anya could respond, Alexander strode forward to the stall. 'How much for that boat over there?' he asked the stall owner. 'Well son,its not for sale but you could try to win it by playing this game.' He handed Alexander a slingshot and three stones. Pointing to three sand-filled bottles on the rack, he said 'Son you gotta hit the middle bottle. You do that and you get the ship. Best of luck' Anya came forward and kissed Alexander on the cheek 'Good luck my Cupid.' she whispered.

Alexander's first shot hit the bottle on the right. 'Oh bad luck son, try again' said the stall owner encouragingly. His second shot hit the bottle on the left! 'Oh come on!' said Alexander in frustration. He drew back the sling for the third shot. All eyes were on him. He released the sling and the stone flew forward,missing the last bottle. It hit the rack and ricocheted off it,hitting the bottle from the back! 'Well I'll be damned,it hit the bottle after all! Well son,here you go then.' said the stall owner,handing the bottle to Alexander.

'Here you go Anya. Just a little something for you to remember me by when you return.' said Alexander as he gave the bottle to Anya. 'Its beautiful,but I don't need this to remember you.' said Anya. They strolled on,finally ending at the village square.

'Its time for the Spring Dance! Quick,we gotta find a place to stand' said Alexander as he pulled Anya into the crowd. The music began,with the sunset as a glorious background. Anya felt the cool breeze ripple past her,as she was swept off in Alexander's arms.

Alexander spun Anya and caught her in a dip.Gracefully,he glided with her.Anya felt she was dancing on air. 'Well Mr Tempest,you certainly know how to make a lady happy.'said Anya,grinning at him. 'Not all,just the one I love.' he whispered back as he grazed at her. She leaned forward,touching his forehead.She gazed into his deep blue eyes,the ones she had loved from the moment she saw them. And then she did what she wanted to do ever since she lost her heart to Alexander.

His kiss was soft yet devastating,as it seemed to draw out all her strength. As he drew back,Anya felt as weak as a newborn baby in his arms. She melted into his arms and just wanted to stay there for the rest of the evening,perhaps her life.'Will you still love me in the morning?' she breathed into his ear. His kiss was the answer she wanted.

I'll write a story.,
7:02 PM

Chapter 6

Tuesday, March 31, 2009
As they walked back to the inn, Anya noticed a strange change that seemed to crawl across the island. As night fell, people began to retreat indoors and the streets seemed to empty themselves instantly,as the last rays of light retreated into the sea.

When they reached the inn,Alexander kissed Anya's hand.'Thank you for today' he whispered.'So will I see you tomorrow?' asked Anya shyly. 'Will you see the sun rise tomorrow? I`ll be coming with it' grinned Alexander. 'Anya,two things. Do not leave this house after dark. Do not be tempted no matter what. And do not ever walk around in town if there's a thick fog.'

'I can understand your first request,but I'm puzzled by your second request. After all,I've been through fog banks aplenty at sea.' replied Anya,puzzled. 'Look, I need you to trust me alright? The fog around here..isn't normal.Please don't go out' he pleaded.' 'Alright,I promise.' said Anya.'Goodnight Anya.Wait for sunrise tomorrow morning.' he grinned

Anya had a strange dream that night. She dreamt that she was back at Aura's Point,in Alexander's arms. As they grazed out at the sunset, Anya noticed an old lady dressed in rags standing on the beach,grazing at the lighthouse with a scowl on her face. As Anya turned to ask Alexander who she was,she realized that he was gone! As she turned around,she came face to face with the old lady!

Anya stood rooted to the spot,shocked. How had the lady climbed such a steep cliff in moments?. 'You have what I want,now give it to me!' the lady croaked at Anya,waving her thin fist at her. 'What are you talking about?' asked Anya,terrified. 'His candle. I need to destroy it. Give it to me girl,and I will reward you,else I'll curse you for life!' The lady's arm closed upon Anya's wrist and she cried out in pain. The lady drew a dagger,and raised it,screaming 'Give it to me!'...

'Anya! Anya darling wake up! Its just a dream. Wake up!' cried Capt Johnson as he shook his daugther's shoulders. Anya woke up screaming,and clung to her father,bursting into tears. 'Shh,Its alright darling,I'm here,it was just a bad dream. Calm down,calm down...'whispered Capt Johnson as he comforted his daughter. No one in the inn slept anymore that night.

The next day,Alexander came to visit. As he entered, Mrs Henderson beckoned to him.'Alexander,where did you take her yesterday? Anya's had a bad dream,and from what I gather,the Old One threatened her.' 'What! But this is impossible! How did she find out?' cried Alexander in shock. 'I dont know son, but its best if you come clean with her soon.' Alexander sighed. He knew what had to be done to protect Anya.

As he entered her room,she looked up from her work. 'Oh Alexander! I had the most horrific dream yesterday,theres was this women who...' Anya cried out. 'Its alright I heard all about it from Mrs Henderson. Its going to be fine,I promise you.' said Alexander ressuringly as he held her hands in his. Anya paused. 'There was something she kept repeating.She said I had somebody's candle,and she wanted to destroy it.'
Alexander's heart froze at those words. How had she known? Perhaps he should tell
Anya everything.

Anya noticed his worried look.'Whats wrong,Alexander?' she asked,grasping his hands. 'Its nothing. I was just wondering about how weird your dream was.' said Alexander. Anya was unconvinced. 'But never mind that, I actually came to ask you something important.' said Alexander. 'Yes?' asked Anya,wondering what had Alexander so worried.'

'Well its just that I have no proper attire for the Spring Festival,and as I didnt want to embarrass you,my date, I was wondering if I could go dressed like that.' asked Alexander. 'Well of course you can, i would'nt mind...wait what?' asked Anya. 'There's a festival in town thats starting tomorrow,and I was wondering if you would want to go with me? asked Alexander smiling. Anya blushed and said 'I'd love to' she stammered.

'After the festival.' Alexander thought as he grazed at Anya. 'I'll tell her after that' he promised himself

I'll write a story.,
4:32 AM

Chapter 5

Wednesday, March 25, 2009
'Its alright' said Alexander reassuringly. 'Its just that ship over there firing its cannons. The custom in this port is that once you go out to sea,you fire your cannons.' he smiled. Alexander hesitated for a moment.'Anya I want to show you something,but you gotta trust me. Shut your eyes.' Anya hesitated,but only for a moment.

Anya shut her eyes and felt Alexander take her hand. He led her forward,then the path seemed to change from grass to gravel. Finally, they stopped and Alexander let go of her hand and she felt him hold her waist from behind.'Alright open your eyes' he whispered into her ear. Anya opened her eyes.

Oh what a beautiful sunset! Anya was bathed in the rays of the sun,as she stood watching it sink into the tide. The rays streaked gold and amber into the sky,Anya felt she could reach the sun if she took just another step. She reached forward and her foot landed...on thin air! She stumbled backwards into Alexander's arms. 'Its alright I got you. This is Aura's Point. Its one of my favourite places on this island.' he said,and Anya silently agreed with him.

'There was this girl named Aura,who used to come here every sunset. She loved to gaze out at the sunset and she would raise her arms,as if to embrace the sun in its final moments. One day, Aura never showed up. And the next day. And the next. I wondered why,till I saw a funeral held here. Aura had cancer and was dying even as she came to look at the sunset daily. In memory of her, we named this spot Aura's Point.' said Alexander as he grazed at the sunset. Anya closed her eyes and whispered 'Rest in peace,Aura'.

'Lets go shall we? I promised Mrs Henderson I'll get you back by sunset.'said Alexander as he slid his arms away. Anya rested her hands on his and whispered 'Just a little while more'. She leaned further back into Alexander's arms and closed her eyes. Alexander held her tightly and gazed at the sunset. He did not want this moment to end,but he had to tell Anya the truth soon.

I'll write a story.,
6:41 PM

Chapter 4

Sunday, March 22, 2009
As they walked past the docks, Anya noticed ships that had black sails,flying the Jolly Roger. 'Aren't those pirate ships?' she asked quietly. 'Well yes, but don't worry they wont be trouble in town. My father made an alliance with these men,as long as they're in port they are not allowed to carry their arms and make a nuisance of themselves.'

As they walked past, a couple of men nodded respectfully towards Alexander,who bowed in return. 'These pirates know that this is the only free port within miles,so they wont dare to break the agreement. Besides,most of them are my friends as well.' Just then, a huge pirate stood in their path, blocking their attempts to pass. 'And just where do you kids think your going on my dock?' he growled in a low voice. 'This ain't your dock,its a free port,move away or...' Alexander said,taking a step towards the pirate,Anya clutching his arm fiercely. 'Or what boy? Your gonna make me? Without your precious father's help?' said the pirate,drawing his blade.

There was a tense silence as both men faced each other off. Then...'Alex my boy! How have you been! Its been such a long time since I saw you or your father!' said the pirate,sheathing his blade and beaming at Alexander. 'Captain Micheal its been too long!' said Alexander,embracing him. Catching Anya's puzzled look, he replied 'Captain Micheal here is my father's personal friend, and a great joker.He always does this to scare people away.' he laughed. 'Milady, my apologies for scaring you. This old sea dog still got some youth in him' he smiled and kissed her hand.'Anya laughed.'So who's your lady friend Alex?' he asked.

'This is Miss Anya Johnson. Her father and her have been here awhile,shipwrecked about a week ago.'replied Alexander.'Ah I remember seeing a wreck on my way in. Well my dear I'll be glad to take you and your father to another port. I would sail you all the way home myself,but people in my profession aren't really acknowledged for the vital role we play in society.'he said with a laugh.'Thank you Captain,I'll be sure to pass on that message to my father' said Anya gratefully. 'Well Alex,here's some goods for your dad,tell him I'll be waiting at the Fork and Spoon tonight for him. Take care son.' He embraced Alexander.'I`ll take my leave Ms Johnson,take care of Alex here.' he said,bowing with a smile. 'And what is that suppose to mean Captain?' asked Alexander. 'She knows'. said Captain Micheal enigmatically.

'Well I have to bring these back home.Do you want to come?'asked Alexander.'Need you ask?' replied Anya,smiling. As they walked up the slope to the lighthouse,Anya was struck by a question. 'How is it that no one has heard of this island before?' 'Well we are pretty far out and most of the world don't know we exist. The local captains know where we are and most them tend to keep quiet about this island outside of its boundaries. You could say that we like our privacy. Besides, we aren't that important to be included on a map' said Alexander. 'Well i think you are important. And the island as well' said Anya,grazing into his eyes,making sure he understood the full significance of her words. Alexander blushed.

Just then,there was a loud boom and a crash. Clutching Alexander for support,Anya cried out' What was that?'

I'll write a story.,
3:02 AM

Chapter 3

Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Anya and her father spent a few more days at the Fork and Spoon, recovering from their ordeal. As they had no money nor anything to offer, Anya often helped Mrs Henderson in the kitchen and bar. Although Capt. Johnson disapproved of her working at the bar, Anya was thrilled to meet strange and mysterious people that always seem to wander into the Fork and Spoon. And if things got out of hand Mr Henderson was nearby to assist.

But Anya was restless staying within the inn and wanted to go out exploring. She had never heard or seen this island on any known map of the world, and wondered how a island could remain hidden for so long from the world. And then there was Alexander Tempest.

All her life, Anya had been surrounded by men as her father was captain of a ship and the crew mostly treated her like their own. She also had her own experiences with the deckhands and various passengers that sometimes were aboard her father's ship.But Alexander was something else. He seemed to read into her very soul, those deep blue eyes that no one could want to hide from.And he seemed to come from another place entirely...

Mrs Henderson came in just then, interrupting her thoughts. 'Well darling, you don't have to stay all day in the inn when you're not helping me,I'm sure you must be dying to leave this room. Besides your father will not be back till nightfall, he's gone to see if the ship can be salvaged.' Anya needed no further encouragement to leave. 'Ah hang on a moment dear. I don't think it would be appropriate for you to roam around unescorted.' ' Mrs Henderson I'll be fine!'said Anya. 'That may be, but I'm not allowing you to leave without an escort.'

Just then Alexander walked in. ' Ah good Alexander, you're just in time! Miss Johnson here needs an escort around town,would you oblige?' 'It would be my pleasure' Alexander replied quietly. Anya blushed slightly as she followed him out of the shop. ' No later than sunset Mr Tempest!' called Mrs Henderson.

As they walked,Alexander whispered 'If you wish we can walk till those rocks,then I'll leave you there to explore the town by yourself' 'Why Mr Tempest? Am I such a chore to entertain?' asked Anya,smiling at him. 'I'm not much of a conversationalist,Miss Johnson' Alexander replied. 'It's alright I`ll cover for you, Mr Tempest. And you should address me as Anya'. Alexander smiled,the first one Anya had seen since they met.'And you should address me as Alexander' he replied.

I'll write a story.,
7:40 PM

Chapter 2

Monday, March 16, 2009
'Father!' Anya screamed as she saw her father sink into the deep black oblivion. She stood up and was about to jump in when she felt two strong arms grab her sides. 'No Mistress not you too!' 'Let me go he's all i have left!' cried Anya as she struggled with the men.

Then a huge wave crashed onto the small boat,capsizing it and throwing its occupants into the depths. Anya sank slowly, convinced that this was the end. "At least i will get to see my mother and father again' she thought as she was pulled to the bottom.It felt as if cold damp hands were pulling her into the depths and the light was already fading away. Anya was no longer struggling to swim nor stay afloat. She just wanted to go down down down...

A hand grasped her collar and pulled. 'No! Let me die with them!' thought Anya,but the hand refused to slacken its grip and Anya was pulled to the surface. 'No let me die! I don't want to live without them. Let go!' cried Anya as she attacked her rescuer. 'Please calm down Miss, I'm trying to help you!' 'No just let me drown now!'
'I'm really sorry about this Miss' That was when Anya felt a blow to the top of her head and felt herself slipping away. Her last thought was that the rescuer had granted her wish and she was going to see her father and mother.

This had to be heaven. Because Anya felt warm and comfortable. Surely she must've died and returned to her parents because there was no way the sea was this warm or soft. Was that the sound of her father's voice? But why was the pain still there? and why did she feel like pounded meat? She opened her eyes and felt pain shoot through her body like liquid fire.

'There there dear, take it easy. You've been through quite alot tonight. Just close your eyes and go back to sleep, if it wasn't for...' a gruff voice was saying to her,but Anya could barely understand what he was saying. 'My father?' she whispered. 'He's..claimed by the sea...' Anya fell unconscious,praying that she would never awake now that all her family was gone.

She awoke in a warm bed,bundled up in blankets. She feebly tried to reach for the jug beside her bedside. 'Its alright dear let me help you' a warm motherly voice said. Anya felt a hand support her and she drank a glass of warm milk. 'Where am I?' she asked, every word taking away what remained of her strength. 'You're in the Fork and Spoon Inn dear, and I must say that was some storm you went through.I'm Mrs Henderson by the way' 'My father?' ' He's fine dear, shaken but all in one piece.' That was all Anya heard before the door opened and her father hugged in a crushing grip. 'Oh Anya I didn't want to believe it when they told me you went overboard! Thank God you're alright!' sobbed Capt. Johnson as he held the remaining member of his family closer to him.

'Captain,I'm glad your girl is fine, but relax your grip or you might undo all my efforts to get her back' Mrs Henderson spoke in a calm but firm voice. As her father released her, Anya saw two men standing behind him. 'This is James Tempest and his son, Alexander. They came out to save us when they saw the fire. He personally pulled me out of the water.' said Captain Johnson.

'Thank you Mr Tempest for saving my father' said Anya. ' Oh don't thank me young lady. You should thank my son, he pulled you out even through you had a strong desire to throttle him and drown' James Tempest said laughingly. Anya blushed and turned to face the younger man. As their eyes met, she was struck by how youthful he looked,yet he had an air of maturity far beyond his youth. Despite the warmth in the room,she suddenly felt cold, as if all the warmth was radiating from him. His eyes were deep pools of blue,which seemed to ask for her very soul.Shyly extending her hand she said 'Thank you for saving me Master Tempest.' He grasped her fingertips, kissed her hand and looked into her eyes, 'Welcome to Tempest Bay'

I'll write a story.,
6:18 PM

Chapter 1

Sunday, March 15, 2009
It was turning out to be a bad night for the Seabass. Captain Johnson looked out at the stormy ocean that hit his ship repeatedly with waves, accompanied by howling winds and a symphony of thunder and lightning that reminded him how small he was.it seemed that all the elements were conspiring to drag him and his men down to the depths.

He grabbed the railings as a huge wave hit the starboard side of the ship. he straighted himself, only to grab the railings again as another wave hit this time on the port side. he stood back up and greeted his first mate Smith. 'What news?'. 'Captain we lost two men to the seas and we have no idea where we're going. If this keeps up we wont last the night!' cried Smith in alarm. 'Tell the men to prepare to enter the lifeboats and fetch Anya to me quickly' said Johnson.

He battled with the rudder as the ship was caught in a current and fought to keep the ship from capsizing into the waves. 'We cant hold out much longer, we gotta find land soon' he murmured under his breath. As the wind lashed out at him like serpents, he thought he caught a faint flash off his starboard side. Squinting into the distance, he could just barely make out a beam of light cutting across the stormy clouds and rain. 'There! That's a lighthouse off starboard side! Keep her steady men we're almost there!' he shouted to the remaining crew members still on deck. He was hopeful that they could make it to the lighthouse.'Dump whatever we do not need! Dump the gunpowder and the cannons! Hurry!' he ordered the remainder of the crew.

'Father what i must do?' Anya appeared,soaked in the deluge pouring from the heavens. ' My dear daughter if we can make it to the lighthouse yonder we will survive,but you must prepare the men and take as much food and blankets as you can and load them into the boats. Smith here will help you,then stay in the boat till we are safe.I already have lost two of my men, i will not lose you!' Johnson cried out.
'But Father, let me help you steer! surely you will need an extra pair of eyes tonight' cried out Anya over the sound of the crashing waves. 'No! I forbid it! You will obey my command!' shouted Johnson.

Just then a massive wave hit the ship on the starboard side. Everyone held their breath as the wave tore a hugh gap into the starboard side.Then the screaming began,as grown men ran around trying to avoid being claimed by the sea. Johnson grabbed Anya and shouted 'This way men!' Together they rushed down onto the deck and boarded a boat. 'Row! Row like the devil is chasing you! Abandon ship!' With this order,most of the men swamped the lifeboats,trying to fight their way onboard. 'Set fire to the ship!' shouted Johnson. The men turned around in amazement and fear. Had the devil already claimed the captain's soul?

'There's a lighthouse out there we must let them know where we are! Use the gunpowder,then jump away and swim for the boats! God keep you all!' This was the final command Captain Johnson gave before Anya pulled him into a boat.

Johnson grabbed a oar and began to row. Never in his 10 years of sailing the seas had he encountered such great waves. it seemed that God indeed wanted his soul tonight. Water hit him from every side and the boat offered scant protection. He held Anya closer and continued to row furiously towards the beam of light which was getting brighter by the moment. 'Almost there, just row harder!' he shouted to the remainder of his crew, which consisted of his first mate and 4 other men.

It was then he felt the blow struck him from behind. he flew forward and entered the dark cold water.Turning around he saw the ship's burning skeleton breaking apart and flying in all directions.The fire must have caused an explosion
'Oh God, take me if you must but save Anya and the rest of them. Please!' he prayed silently as he slid into the depths. The last thing he saw was Anya's face, her mouth open in a scream he could'nt hear.

I'll write a story.,
5:06 AM